Thursday, August 29, 2013

In an Effort to Provide Clarity...

I continue to have many people ask me about my educational and vocational pursuit of spiritual direction.  Usually the conversation goes something like this:

Me: I am back in school, ya know.
Them:  Oh yeah?  That's brave!  Whatcha studying?
Me: Spiritual Direction.
Them:  Of course you are!  That makes perfect sense for who you are and your gifts.

*lloooooooonngg pause*

Them:  Now what exactly is that?

One of my goals in this next year is to come up with a solid and clear definition of how I understand spiritual direction as a vocational practice.  Until I figure that out, I want to share THIS short read from Spiritual Directors International about the first female ELCA bishop and her journey with spiritual direction.  I think her experience sums up well how I understand spiritual direction to work -- an "eavesdropping of conversations with God."  There's a beauty in that simplicity, and yet, a huge complexity.  I am continually humbled and excited...

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