Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Growing Deeper with Discernment

"Discernment" is one of those church words thrown around when we are praying for God to help us see the RIGHT answer, make the RIGHT choice, or when we are wanting clarity on what is WRONG in our life.  This type of discernment is what our pop culture and our "easy answer" society looks towards.  We want right and wrong answers and we want to feel assured in knowing they are right or wrong by God on High.

I have a different understanding of discernment - one that requires me to already be in a growing and faithful relationship with God.  One that challenges me to trust more and grow deeper with God as I explore who I am to God and what God desires of me.  True discernment is an aligning of my heart with the heart of God -- putting myself aside (my wants, fears, dreams) and trusting in the faithful God I know to guide me.  It isn't about throwing my life before God and saying, "lead me wherever," but rather it's about how I come to God with options -- choices -- and trust God to help me discern between the options.  There is never one RIGHT answer and never a completely WRONG answer.  I believe and trust that God works through whatever choice I make -- because God loves me and wants the absolute best for me.  The discernment process is simply a process that has me being intentional about seeking out the alignment of my heart and will with God's.

Discernment is not for the faint of heart and requires a dedication of time and space within one's interior for it to take place.  There are many Christian tools for discernment available:  Ignatian Discernment, Wesleyan Quadrilateral, Quaker Clearness Committee, and meeting with a spiritual director.  Discernment, while not easy, has an amazing gift at the other side - a deeper connection with God and a faith that is even more rooted than before, resulting in a freedom that only comes from relying on God's grace.  Looking into your prayer heart today, what is it you are trying to discern and how do you meet God in that place?

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