Thursday, August 21, 2014

The 5 Ws of Spiritual Direction: WHERE and WHEN

This is the last in my 3-part series looking at the basics of the ministry of spiritual direction.  In two previous posts, I answered WHAT spiritual direction is as well as WHO should receive direction and WHY one might be led to explore direction.  As we continue to explore the basics of spiritual direction, an important question that often comes up is WHERE do I go for direction?  

As I have mentioned before, spiritual direction in and of itself is not necessarily a Christian ministry.  The first thing to consider in finding a director is if Christian direction is important to you.  Assuming it is, different faith traditions may have people set apart for this ministry, so one way to find someone is through your own church or denominational office.  The Catholic church has a strong tradition and practice of spiritual direction and it has been my experience they are open to meeting with people no matter what faith tradition they come from.  Other faith traditions/denominations may have offices of spiritual formation that may offer direction, or at the very least, help point you towards someone.  If those options don't pan out or you are simply wanting to see and know all the options, another resource is Spiritual Directors International, a website with a very helpful director locator tool that will point you to directors within your region.  While I am a big believer in meeting in person, in the quiet of an office or other set-apart space, some directors are open to meeting via Skype or telephone for those who are not within an easy distance to meet.  My personal preference is to meet in person -- there is an energy, an intimacy, and a meeting of the Spirit that is difficult (though not impossible) to be experienced outside of the person-to-person community that is formed when in a shared space.  

Once you have a basic understanding of the what, who and why of spiritual direction and you have sought ought where to go for it, you may be wondering WHEN is a good time to start this journey of growing closer and deeper in relationship with God.  My first answer is NOW -- TODAY!  But if you are looking for a more concrete answer, I give you this:  whether your soul feels full or is running on empty, God desires to be more connected with you.  Whether you are celebrating the joys in life or hanging your head feeling like you are fighting a losing battle, God longs for you to know God's presence with you.  Whether you are a long-time person of faith or feeling like you are just starting to get your feet under you on this journey, God seeks you out, calls you by name, and reaches a hand out for you to hold.  There is no wrong time to start direction -- don't wait until you have your life in order or feel like you are in a good place, or conversely, don't wait until it is all falling apart.  Just begin where you are -- a step at a time. In doing so, be amazed at how you will find God.  Be encouraged by how God is traveling with you on this journey.  And be ever assured of God's faithfulness in all of our living and loving of life.  Spiritual Direction simply helps us to see God at work.  To know God is near.  To affirm and confirm the hope we have in Christ.  

Spiritual direction may not appeal to all people, but it is accessible to all who want it.  If you find yourself connecting with what this ministry has to offer, I encourage you to seek out a spiritual director and begin this new journey in faith.  I promise you, God WILL show up and meet you there.  

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