Sunday, August 10, 2014

The 5 Ws of Spiritual Direction: WHAT

I encounter people daily who ask me about my journey in spiritual direction which often results in conversations that lead to a better basic understanding of this ministry.  Over the next few posts, I will lay out the 5 Ws of spiritual direction -- the who, what, where, when and why that makes it happen.  Today, I bring you the WHAT.

Maybe we start with the what spiritual direction is NOT.  It is not a counseling session.  It is not confession.  It is not a place to come and have someone tell you how to behave or what to do.  It is not a time to have someone make your decisions for you. It is not a place to learn the basics about Christianity -- it presupposes a life of faith.

Spiritual direction IS a ministry of being aware of God's presence and activity in life.  A spiritual director is a person who companions with -- journeys alongside another -- as they look at life events and seek to better understand and be aware of God's working in it.  Direction is an intentional conversation where the Holy Spirit is welcomed in and we trust we will somehow be different after we leave -- different because we have experienced the Holy Spirit and seen God's heart for us more clearly.

Spiritual direction can take many forms, but typically has some commonalities: sessions are typically an hour and scheduled monthly; they begin and/or end with prayer, and continue to draw us to the Holy rather than the worldly.  As an example, a session can start  in prayer as the Holy Spirit is invited to be present in the conversation.  The conversation is Spirit-led based on an event, memory, challenge, or thought that is on one's mind.  During the session the directee is affirmed, invited to linger with God in the moment, and allowed the space and time to become more aware and bear witness to God's working in life.  Sometimes it feels warm and fuzzy, other times it is more difficult because when God really works on us from within, we can be surprised at what we find.  Personally, I never know how I will leave a session, but I always leave different from how I went in.  I leave more peaceful and calm.  I leave with my soul having been tended to with deep care.  I leave filled with hope for what's ahead.

Spiritual direction isn't about finding all the answers, but it IS about having a safe place to ask the questions.  It isn't about getting to a final destination, but it IS about having someone with whom to travel.  It isn't about finding an easy way out of our dark places, but it IS about being with someone who knows the dark and can hold the flashlight while you explore those places.  Spiritual direction is a grace.  It is a gift to all who take advantage of it.

WHO should be in spiritual direction and WHY?  Stay tuned for the next post in the series.

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